How to Handle Acne Breakouts With Ease?

For most teenagers, their very steps into the teenage are the moments of change for their bodies, predominantly driven by the gush of hormones, which majorly brings about the psychological, physiological and body transformation. As all good things come with a rider and in this case, acne is one of them….

Acne and You

Acne is the most common skin condition that strikes at puberty. Male hormones secreted by the adrenal glands in both males and females, play the spoilsport by stimulating the oil glands to go into overdrive and produce oil. The over secretion of oil by sebaceous glands and resultant clogging of the skin pores with the deadly mix of oil and skin debris, creates a blockage that results into a comedo. Acne causing bacteria, P.acnes further adds to the woes for acne sufferers by causing breakouts. Genetics, anxiety and stress, hot and humid climate are usually the other risk factors that aggravate the condition of acne. Not all teenagers face this condition, but those who do, must remember that all these factors are out of your control and you can do a little about them. So relax because, your anxiety will worsen the bout.

How to avert a breakout

Acne breakout, the very word that sends shudders down the spine of those, who have gone through this nightmare, can be averted by sticking to a regular regimen of skincare and hygiene. A regular, at least thrice a week, application of a good Face pack as an essential adjunct to usual acne therapy will help in hydrating the skin, removing excess sebum and improving the appearance of the facial skin by exfoliating the dead skin and tightening the skin pores. Face packs not only help in improving the overall appearance of the skin, but also provide the much needed therapeutic support that alleviates acne.

What an ideal face pack be

An anti acne face pack should ideally be formulated as a ready-to-use cream to ensure ease of application to ensure compliance. Natural oil absorbents like Bentonite and Kaolin can suppress the excessive oil secretion and prevent clogging of pores that are otherwise brimming with oil. A dash of natural bug killers with enhanced antibacterial activity can add to its efficacy for the eradication of P.acnes, a bacterium responsible for breakouts and suppurative comedones. An ideal face pack offers multifaceted action to rejuvenate the facial skin and instil confidence in a teenager.

Acnin face pack matches the standards of the best anti acne face pack as it is formulated in a ready-to-use cream base that offers ease of application. Its multifaceted action also ensures safe and effective skin exfoliation of comedones to prevent the acne breakout. Acnin face pack suppresses the sebum secretion with natural oil absorbents like bentonite and kaolin while enhanced antibacterial activity is provided with Quarternium-73, a natural and safe antibacterial. Additionally, Aloe Vera and Vegetable Glycerine help by hydrating and rejuvenating the facial skin.

So never get upset with pimples when you have an acne buster on your side that exhibits instant results from its very first application. Say good-bye to acne with a convenient, thrice a week, application of Acnin face pack.

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