Why Sunscreen Is Important During Outdoor Sojourn?

Are you frequently moving out in the Sun? Or enjoy outdoor activities that lead to your exposure to direct or indirect sunlight? Or even if you sit in a room with glass windows that could draw sunlight into that room, then you are at risk of UV exposure and therefore must seek the protection of a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect yourself from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

The presence of ultraviolet rays in sunlight has been confirmed by scientific researchers. Ultraviolet rays, now commonly addressed as UV rays, have a shorter wavelength than the visible light hence they are invisible to human eyes.

 The two basic types of ultraviolet rays that strike the earth’s surface along with the sunlight are, UVA and UVB. UVB rays have a slightly shorter wavelength than UVA and therefore they affect the topmost layer of skin and are responsible for causing sunburn. The UVB rays are dangerous as they play the greatest role in causing skin cancers, including the deadly black mole type of skin cancer called malignant melanoma.

Although UVA rays also play an active role in the development of skin cancers in addition to it, the UVA rays have longer wavelengths than UVB and therefore penetrate deeper into the skin and play a greater role in premature skin ageing changes including wrinkle formation and hyperpigmentation. This process is known as photoaging. The UVA rays also cause suntan or skin darkening which usually results in uneven skin tone in the exposed area. UVA rays keep reaching the earth’s surface all year-round, too in the same strength, and they are capable of penetrating the skin more deeply into the dermis, the 2nd layer of skin, and cause photoaging and pigmented skin. Therefore, in addition to protecting the skin from the effects of UVB rays, it is much more important to protect from the damaging effects of the most abundant UVA rays, which are present during daylight hours throughout the year, even if it is cloudy.

The need for protecting the skin from the harmful exposure of UV rays is taken care of by sunscreens of different types. Sunscreen is a physical or chemical barrier between UV Rays and the skin, that absorbs or reflects the harmful UV Rays and provides protection to the exposed skin.

The protective power of a sunscreen is measured as SPF or Sun Protection Factor. The Sun Protection Factor is a measure of the fraction of sunburn-producing UV rays that can reach the skin after the sunscreen is applied. For example, the term “SPF 15” denotes that ?1?15 of the strong radiation will reach the skin if a sunscreen lotion is applied evenly on the exposed skin at a thick dosage of 2 mg per square centimetre. The effectiveness of a sunscreen can also be determined by multiplying the SPF by the length of time it takes for him or her to suffer a sunburn without sunscreen. Thus, if a person develops sunburn in 10 minutes when not wearing sunscreen, the same person in the same intensity of sunlight will take 150 minutes to develop sunburn of the same severity if wearing a sunscreen with SPF 15. Here it is more pertinent to note that sunscreens with higher SPF do not have any advantage or remain effective on the skin any longer than lower SPF sunscreens as both must be continually applied usually every two hours.

In later times, due to the rising need for stronger protection for people with long exposure to direct sunlight, the concept of Sun Block came into existence. Sunblock is an opaque sunscreen that is effectively blocked both UVA and UVB rays. Sunblock is typically formulated by mixing two minerals like Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide with a heavy oil base that resists water and does not wash off. This combination acts as a physical barrier against UV rays and does not allow them to reach the skin but they are cosmetically non-appealing.

Early sunscreens only protect the skin from UVB rays, but once the researchers confirmed the dangers posed by UVA rays, the need for adding ingredients to protect the skin from both UVB and UVA rays became pertinent.

Initially, the traditional chemical sunscreens containing Octinoxate and Octisalate have been more successful at blocking UVB rays than UVA rays. However, with the addition of Avobenzone, and Titanium dioxide, the true broad-spectrum sunscreen came into existence that could protect against both, UVA and UVB rays.

But there is still more to desire. While moving out, the protection can be assured to some extent with the broad spectrum sunscreens but the need for an ultimate sunscreen that can protect as well as repair the sun-damaged skin still existed.

This need is fulfilled with the advent of UvSun 26+an ultimate sunscreen that not only provides broad-spectrum UV protection by the new generation of micronized organic and physical sunscreens but also repairs the sun-damaged skin with Biosaccharide and Vitamin E. This repairing action is all the more important because a sun screen’s protection usually lasts up to a maximum of 2 hours and re-application becomes necessary, which is not always possible if you are in hurry or driving or forget to keep track on time. By the time you realize to re-apply sunscreen, your skin gets exposed to UV rays and the damage is done.

Biosaccharides in UvSun 26+ repair, the photodamaged skin by its anti-inflammatory properties and also prolongs the duration of action of sunscreens through its aqua barrier function.

UvSun 26+ is formulated with more effective and reliable organic sunscreens like Octinoxate, Avobenzone and Oxybenzone that effectively absorb the UV rays. The sunscreen action of organic sunscreens in UvSun 26+ is further strengthened with inorganic sunscreens like Titanium dioxide and Zinc oxide that also act as an effective Sun Block by physically blocking the UV Rays from reaching the skin. The micronized form of sunscreens in UvSun 26+ ensures even coverage for effective protection of exposed skin.

UvSun 26+ is specially designed for the people involved in extended outdoor engagements, leading to enhanced exposure to sunlight, and rated as the best sunscreen lotion that protects and repairs. 

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